About Me


Hello to all of you wonderful, amazing, awesome people! I'm delighted you have decided to stop by on my book blog. It is fairly new so you have to bare with me. One day, I hope it will turn into something every reader will enjoy. For now, most posts will be cover reveals, book blitzes and giveaways, so there is always a new book to discover.

Now, letting you on a little secret...I read A LOT more than I write but I'm planning on changing that! So, the blog will also feature some book reviews...and adding a little something something to them, character graphics will also be included.

As you may already know...books are a major part of my life. Even though I don't write often as I should, I always have a book in my hands. Whether they are hard bound, paperback, or digital, I'm always up for an adventure or love story.

Each year, my goal is to beat the number of books I have read the previous year (Which tend to fall in a range from 150-200 books/year). I'm a pretty quick reader, dedicating time in between working and studying. It's always great to take a break, delve into a book, and get lost in your imagination.

Feel free to follow me or send an email.

Email: booksoversleep (at) gmail (dot) com

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